Founder of Siobhan M Kelly Soul Coaching, she is a certified wellness coach who specializes in relationship coaching.
I have a long established career in spirituality, healing and contributing to the evolution of human consciousness through teaching. In my journey of transformation, Siobhan has overcome emotional and personal challenges including stress, anxiety and burn out. I have undertaken many job roles and business ventures searching for fulfilment, meaning and success. As a result of these challenges, I turned to spirituality in my effort to understand myself and to obtain guidance about my purpose; knowing that I am here for a reason and have important work to accomplish.
My spiritual gifts are my core strength, they underpin everything important in my life. All of my healing work I do with and through them and through God, Goddess, Universe. After my daughter and my husband my spiritual connection is the most precious thing I have in my life and the thing I am most proud of achieving and developing.
I met my husband on Valentine's Day 2012 and knew instantly that this was the man I would spend the rest of my life with. Meeting him was like going on the most amazing journey, yet at the same time it was like coming home. I have discovered through our own Relationship Akashic Reading that we have shared ten previous lifetimes together. While our path together hasn't always been smooth, I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing. My vows from our wedding day still sum up my feelings "Ciaran you're the first person I call when I have good news and you're the first person I call when I have bad news". You can have that too. Let me help you receive that gift.
Please message me to begin your journey. Your worry free, stress free, and risk free consultation allows me to create an individualized plan that is tailored for you. There are no two souls alike, and neither should there be two coaching plans alike.
Let's get started today!