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5 Simple And Free Hacks To Clear Negative Energy

Have you ever felt as if you just can’t get out from under bad luck. You are stuck. Try as you might, it feels like quicksand pulls you under. Sometimes, it is our past selves getting in the way. Unresolved traumas and curses can hamper our progress in this life.

Additionally, negative energy can be contagious. The more it goes ignored, the worse it can fester. It is crucial to clear that energy to be happier, healthier, and more productive. These 5 Simple And Free Hacks To Clear Negative Energy are steps anyone can take to put them on the path to recovery from a negative energy attack. These are the life hacks you need to put your best foot forward and find the peace you seek.

5 Simple and Free Hacks To Clear Negative Energy
Courtesy of Unsplash


De-cluttering your home is the first and most important step in this process. Everyone has heard the adage that a messy desk equals a messy mind. The same holds true for every space you spend time in. Some things we can’t control, while others are within our power. Those are the ones we should go after. 

Stagnant and stale energy becomes trapped in your house like stale air from windows that are never opened. The quickest way to move unwanted energy is to de-clutter. You will feel immediately lighter, quite literally. This inflow of new, lighter energy will help de-clutter your mind and allow you to think clearly. 

Rearrange the furniture in a room: I did this recently in my home office as I felt stuck and blocked and needed more dynamic energy or inspiration. Within 24 hours of the reorganization and arrangement, I had three new bookings from past clients and suddenly felt as if I was invigorated.


The second most important step in clearing out unproductive energy is to dump anything that is no longer of value to you. The “does it bring you joy” concept. Be ruthless. Let it go if you haven’t worn it, read it, or used it in six months. You will immediately feel more precise in thought and purpose. Clutter and junk in our homes, offices, and even cars are reflections of clutter and mess in our minds and souls.

It’s essential to respect Mother Nature and create good Karma. Sell anything that’s of value creating a new source of unexpected revenue. Donate to a good cause or simply gift to a friend. You can bring them to local recycling centres, and many charities are happy to take quality items so that you can do something good for your community and yourself. 

Additionally, we often have ancestral patterns of scarcity hardwired into our DNA from experiences of famine and wars or even past life vows of poverty. We might be hoarding things because, at some deep soul level, we fear we will never have enough. This blocks us from accessing the abundant energy of the universe. When we are a clear and clean channel to all the gifts in the universe, we will attract more good things.

Clean and Clear

Now, I’m speaking about your body. Our entire universe is made of moving energy. Even the stuff that looks solid, like our homes and cars, is energy moving slowly. Recently I knew I wanted to upgrade the quality of my healing work to be a better channel of Divine wisdom and healing for my clients. I was finding that I lacked energy no matter what I was doing. I am aware that my healing is purely channeled from God/Goddess/Universe, but I was struggling to be a better vessel, so I did a fruit fast, only drinking water and coffee. 

This jumpstarted my positive energy, and now I have been largely eating clean and working out three mornings a week. Within three days, I could already feel more flexible in mind and body. While my work has been supercharged, every aspect of my life is better. I’m full of energy and enthusiasm, my inspiration and intuition have skyrocketed, and the stagnant mood and mindset I have been trying to unpack for months have resolved.


You’ve cleansed your space and your body. Now it’s time for your mind. Negative energy becomes stuck on us, and we become a giant energy beacon or radio tower, unconsciously pumping out negativity. This becomes our base signal to the universe like a spiritual Morse Code. The universe responds with what it assumes we want to experience.. We keep attracting more and more of the same kind of energy. 

One of the biggest sources of negative energy on the planet is mainstream and social media. Our world can be a sad and scary place. This can make us fearful and panicked. It literally wires our nervous system. When we hear of a disaster or something shocking, it’s much better for all concerned and the combined energy of humanity if you call on spiritual assistance to help those affected. Manifest the help they need.

If you see someone in distress, it is the proper human thing to go and help. I am speaking about situations you cannot do anything about. The mass global spreading of very negative and often untrue news stories is contributing to a huge spread of very negative and dark energy. Fear is like a virus that affects all those it comes into contact with. It makes us feel like victims and can lead us to give away our sovereign power. Don’t go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. Stop the doom scrolling. Fill your mind and soul with inspiring podcast and books.. You will be amazed at how much calmer and peaceful you feel. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay and The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz are two excellent choices.

Set New Intensions

The universe and the Divine loves rituals and symbolism. They give your energy-clearing power. Rituals have marked all important phases of our human experience since time began. They allow us to tap into a far greater power then we can alone. They give our intensions meaning and presence. We still have the marriage ritual, declaring our intention to love another person in front of friends, family, and our wider community. Many religions have rituals and traditions that have sustained their followers in times of tragedy and joy. 

Firstly, decide what new energy you want to create in your home and life. You may want a boost in mental clarity and focus for work, or you may want to lose weight and improve your health. Give yourself some quiet time have a pen and some paper ready, light a candle and call on your Higher Self to help you with what’s best for you. 

Sit and take several slow, deep breaths. Imagine golden energy flowing in as you breathe and flowing into your heart. When you feel relaxed, connect to your higher self. Sometimes, our higher self hovers above us, looking down. Our higher selves can be standing behind us, it can be deep inside us behind our hearts or we can have a sense of our higher self in some other part of our bodies or energy system. Our Higher Self can be a big comfortable chair that supports us or standing in front of us, looking into our face and asking for recognition. When you sense that energy flowing, ask the following questions:

What is most important to experience or create in my life right now? Be specific and intentional in your question. Ask what will help you with precisely what you need. Target the underlying issues and core problems, not just the symptoms. The more precise your question, the better quality answer you will receive.

Write out what ever guidance or advice was given. Then, create a short little statement. For example,  if you wanted to lose weight and get guidance to eat less, earlier, and healthier food, you could say. “I now choose to eat beautiful food, that fills me up with less and eat earlier in the day to allow my body to naturally and easily lose excess weight with joy and ease”.

Write this and place it somewhere you can see it every day. Make a ritual of connecting with your higher self if your resolve is wavering. Ask for more guidance as you go. Old habits die hard, but new healthy habits can still be achieved. You will be surprised how quickly you can achieve the change you are looking for. These are easy tips for moving negative energy in your spaces. Of course, if you suspect the energy is darker and not so easily moved, or you simply want help along your journey, I suggest you seek more specialized support. You can find the ways I work and my services here.

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